Saturday, November 9, 2019

No Men Are Foriegn

No Men Are Foreign by James Kirkup Workbook Questions Extract 1 1 Who is the narrator of the poem? To whom is the poem addressed? Ans The poem appears to have an omniscient narrator and is addressed to all of mankind. (omniscient = one who knows everything) 2 What is meant by uniforms? Why are uniforms necessary especially during war? What is there beneath all uniforms? Ans Uniforms mean the varied cultural exteriors that people put on themselves in the form of different clothes that symbolise who they are.Uniforms are necessary especially during war in order to differentiate between and identify soldiers on different sides who would otherwise appear to be same. But beneath all uniforms lies the same human body. 3 Which single body is referred to in the extract? What is common to the single body and people like the narrator? Ans The single body referred to in the extract is the human body. What is common between the single body and people like the narrator is that it is same in struc ture and made of flesh and blood. 4 Who are referred to as brothers? What two things are common to all people as referred to in lines three and four of the extract?Ans People who we classify as different from ourselves are our brothers. We walk on the same land as long as we are alive and will be buried in the same earth when we die. 5 If there are different countries, how can we be one people? Ans Even if there are different countries, we can be one people because we all have the same body and we live and die on the same planet. Extract 2 1 Who are they that are mentioned in the extract? What are the common elements in the universe that are shared by all? What is the significance of the word, too in the extract? Ans They are those that we consider foreign.All of us share the common elements of sun, air and water. The word too is significant because it emphasizes that they are just like us. 2 What are peaceful harvests? Why are they said to be peaceful? What do the peaceful harvests symbolise? Ans Peaceful harvests are the crops grown and the enduring bounty during times of peace. They are said to be peaceful because they can be nurtured only during times of peace. They symbolise happiness and prosperity. 3 In what way is starvation associated with winter? Ans No crops can be grown during winter which is why there is a shortage of food.Thus, starvation is associated with winter. 4 What is meant by Their hands are ours? What are their lines? How can we conclude that their labour is same as ours? Ans Their hands are ours means that people living in other countries have hands just like ours which toil hard to earn a living. Their lines mean the lines on their face and body which are just like ours. Hence, we can conclude that though they belong to another land, they have worked hard throughout their lives, just like us. 5 Explain how does the author show that men from other countries have the same basic requirements as his own countrymen.Ans The author shows that men from other countries have the same requirements as his own countrymen by saying that they enjoy the same sunlight, breathe the same air and drink the same water. Not only this, they also work hard to earn a living. They too eat when their harvest is plentiful during times of peace and starve during war. Extract 3 1 On what topic is the poet speaking? In what respect are their eyes compared to ours? Ans The poet is speaking about commonalities, mutual respect and understanding. Their eyes are compared to us in that they too wake and sleep, just as we do. 2 Whose strength is referred to in the extract?Explain how strength can be won by love? Ans The strength referred to in the extract is that of those who we consider strange. Their strength can be won by love because everybody responds to love and appreciates the feeling of brotherhood. 3 Give the meaning and implication of the following:- In every land is common life That all can recognise and understand. Ans People living in an other land are just like us. They too understand the concept and feeling of universal brotherhood. The implication is that if we extend a fraternal hand, they will recognise it and willingly join hands with us. State briefly the theme of the poem. Ans The theme of the poem is one of universal brotherhood, internationalism and the renunciation of war. The world is one big family, no one is a stranger: no one is different; we all need and want the same things. Hence, waging wars against our brothers does not make sense. 5 How does the poet bring out in the extract the idea that men are not strangers to one another? Ans The poet specifies that just like us they wake and sleep and respond to love. Even if we look different on the exterior we all can recognise and understand the universal language of love and brotherhood. Extract 4 What is meant by dispossess, betray, condemn? What happens when we hate our brothers? Ans To dispossess means to take away what one owns, to betray means to b ecome a traitor, to condemn means to criticise strongly. When we hate our brothers, in effect we rob, cheat and condemn our own selves. We do not realise that in perpetuating hatred on our brothers, we are actually harming ourselves. 2 What does the poet remind us of in the fourth line of the extract? Ans In the fourth line extending into the fifth, the poet reminds us that when we arm ourselves against each other, we pollute the purity of our own earth through bloodshed. What are hells of fire and dust? What do they destroy? Ans Hells of fire and dust are the effects caused by bombs and other instruments of warfare. They destroy the purity of the air we breathe and depend upon for our survival. 4 What is the innocence of air? How is it defiled? Ans The innocence of air is the purity of the unspoilt air as nature intended it to be. It is defiled by human interference in the form of bombs and hatred. 5 What does the poet emphasize by beginning and ending the poem with the same line?A ns By beginning and ending the poem with the same line, the poet emphasizes through reiteration, his message of the spirit of oneness and fraternity. Although the message in both the lines is same, the opening line uses the adjective ‘strange’ with respect to men and ‘foreign’ in respect of countries, while in the end, the adjective ‘foreign’ is ascribed to men and ‘strange’ is ascribed to countries. This means that the two are one. Countries exist only because men do; nature does not divide, only man does. However man is the same everywhere irrespective of where he lives.

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